Takida Yasunari

We value knowledge, exchange, and connections among people.

About NT Studio

NT Studio is an Estonia based tech startup exploring the new territories of our knowledge. We value knowledge exchange and connections among people.

We aspire to transcend the virtual and physical boundaries, and to expand our understanding of the world, via extensive and critical use of technology.

Although the virtual world could be merely a step away from us — things like nature, hugs, conflicts, warmth and cruelty still prevail in the physical world, and technology shouldn’t separate us from that world.

Through our study in social media, gaming, and technology, we hope to:

>bring people together;
>facilitate collaborations on our platform;
>and explore interactions with the physical world via AR technology


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Our Team & Vision

NT Studio is formed by a team of Hong Kongers of different disciplines.

We station in different countries, while the majority of us is based in Estonia. Our multidisciplinary team consists of developers, data scientists, researchers, writers, designers, artists, and marketing managers.

We aren’t confined by a sole classification, and we love digging into problems, exploring boundaries and having fun.

2019 International Exhibiton - Madrid
2019 Henri Cartier-Bresson Award - Paris
2017 Camera Austria Award - Graz
2016 British Wildlife Photography Awards - UK